Part 3 - The home screen
In this part we will change the home screen and the social network links.
This tutorial is based on the video below (in French)
Translate the home page
Go to app/landing.ejs
. Translate according to your needs. Here is my translation (to French)
<div id="landingContainer" style="display: none;">
<div id="upper">
<div id="left">
<div id="image_seal_container">
<img id="image_seal" src="assets/images/SealCircle.png"/>
- <div id="updateAvailableTooltip">Update Available</div>
+ <div id="updateAvailableTooltip">Une mise à jour est diponible</div>
<div id="content">
<div id="right">
<div id="rightContainer">
<div id="user_content">
- <span id="user_text">Username</span>
+ <span id="user_text">Nom d'utilisateur</span>
<div id="avatarContainer">
- <button id="avatarOverlay">Edit</button>
+ <button id="avatarOverlay">Modifier</button>
<div id="mediaContent">
<div id="internalMedia">
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- <div id="settingsTooltip">Settings</div>
+ <div id="settingsTooltip">Paramètres</div>
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<div id="lower">
<div id="left">
<div class="bot_wrapper">
<div id="content">
<div id="server_status_wrapper">
- <span class="bot_label" id="landingPlayerLabel">SERVER</span>
+ <span class="bot_label" id="landingPlayerLabel">SERVEUR</span>
- <span id="player_count">OFFLINE</span>
+ <span id="player_count">HORS-LIGNE</span>
<div class="bot_divider"></div>
<div id="mojangStatusWrapper">
- <span class="bot_label">MOJANG STATUS</span>
+ <span class="bot_label">STATUS MOJANG</span>
<span id="mojang_status_icon">•</span>
<div id="mojangStatusTooltip">
<div id="mojangStatusTooltipTitle">Services</div>
<div id="mojangStatusEssentialContainer">
<!-- Essential Mojang services are populated here. -->
<div id="mojangStatusNEContainer">
<div class="mojangStatusNEBar"></div>
- <div id="mojangStatusNETitle">Non Essential</div>
+ <div id="mojangStatusNETitle">Non Essentiel</div>
<div class="mojangStatusNEBar"></div>
<div id="mojangStatusNonEssentialContainer">
<!-- Non Essential Mojang services are populated here. -->
<div id="center">
<div class="bot_wrapper">
<div id="content">
<button id="newsButton">
<!--<img src="assets/images/icons/arrow.svg" id="newsButtonSVG"/>-->
<div id="newsButtonAlert" style="display: none;"></div>
<svg id="newsButtonSVG" viewBox="0 0 24.87 13.97">
<polyline class="arrowLine" points="0.71 13.26 12.56 1.41 24.16 13.02"/>
- <span id="newsButtonText">NEWS</span>
+ <span id="newsButtonText">ACTUALITÉS</span>
<div id="right">
<div class="bot_wrapper">
<div id="launch_content">
- <button id="launch_button">PLAY</button>
+ <button id="launch_button">JOUER</button>
<div class="bot_divider"></div>
- <button id="server_selection_button" class="bot_label">• No Server Selected</button>
+ <button id="server_selection_button" class="bot_label">• Aucun serveur sélectionné</button>
<div id="launch_details">
<div id="launch_details_left">
<span id="launch_progress_label">0%</span>
<div class="bot_divider"></div>
<div id="launch_details_right">
<progress id="launch_progress" value="22" max="100"></progress>
- <span id="launch_details_text" class="bot_label">Please wait..</span>
+ <span id="launch_details_text" class="bot_label">Patientez...</span>
<div id="newsContainer">
<div id="newsContent" article="-1" style="display: none;">
<div id="newsStatusContainer">
<div id="newsStatusContent">
<div id="newsTitleContainer">
<a id="newsArticleTitle" href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a>
<div id="newsMetaContainer">
<div id="newsArticleDateWrapper">
<span id="newsArticleDate">Mar 15, 44 BC, 9:14 AM</span>
<div id="newsArticleAuthorWrapper">
<span id="newsArticleAuthor">by Cicero</span>
<a href="#" id="newsArticleComments">0 Comments</a>
<div id="newsNavigationContainer">
<button id="newsNavigateLeft">
<svg id="newsNavigationLeftSVG" viewBox="0 0 24.87 13.97">
<style>.arrowLine{fill:none;stroke:#FFF;stroke-width:2px;transition: 0.25s ease;}</style>
<polyline class="arrowLine" points="0.71 13.26 12.56 1.41 24.16 13.02"/>
- <span id="newsNavigationStatus">1 of 1</span>
+ <span id="newsNavigationStatus">1 sur 1</span>
<button id="newsNavigateRight">
<svg id="newsNavigationRightSVG" viewBox="0 0 24.87 13.97">
<style>.arrowLine{fill:none;stroke:#FFF;stroke-width:2px;transition: 0.25s ease;}</style>
<polyline class="arrowLine" points="0.71 13.26 12.56 1.41 24.16 13.02"/>
<div id="newsArticleContainer">
<div id="newsArticleContent">
<div id="newsArticleContentScrollable">
<!-- Article Content -->
<div id="newsErrorContainer">
<div id="newsErrorLoading">
- <span id="nELoadSpan" class="newsErrorContent">Checking for News..</span>
+ <span id="nELoadSpan" class="newsErrorContent">Verification des actualités..</span>
<div id="newsErrorFailed" style="display: none;">
- <span id="nEFailedSpan" class="newsErrorContent">Failed to Load News</span>
+ <span id="nEFailedSpan" class="newsErrorContent">Impossible de charger les actualités</span>
- <button id="newsErrorRetry">Try Again</button>
+ <button id="newsErrorRetry">Réessayer</button>
<div id="newsErrorNone" style="display: none;">
- <span id="nENoneSpan" class="newsErrorContent">No News</span>
+ <span id="nENoneSpan" class="newsErrorContent">Aucune actualité disponible</span>
<script src="./assets/js/scripts/landing.js"></script>
Social networks
In the previous step, we had a div element with the identifier mediaContent
. This is where the social networks are placed.
For example, if I want to change YouTube and put the link of my channel, here are my modifications:
<div class="mediaContainer">
- <a href="#" class="mediaURL" id="youtubeURL" disabled>
+ <a href="" class="mediaURL" id="youtubeURL">
<svg id="youtubeSVG" class="mediaSVG" viewBox="35.34 34.3575 70.68 68.71500">
<path d="M84.8,69.52,65.88,79.76V59.27Zm23.65.59c0-5.14-.79-17.63-3.94-20.57S99,45.86,73.37,45.86s-28,.73-31.14,3.68S38.29,65,38.29,70.11s.79,17.63,3.94,20.57,5.52,3.68,31.14,3.68,28-.74,31.14-3.68,3.94-15.42,3.94-20.57"/>
I actually replaced the #
with the url of my YouTube channel, and simply removed the disabled
to make the button clickable.
To remove YouTube, this is what I would have done in my example.
-<div class="mediaContainer">
- <a href="#" class="mediaURL" id="youtubeURL" disabled>
- <svg id="youtubeSVG" class="mediaSVG" viewBox="35.34 34.3575 70.68 68.71500">
- <g>
- <path d="M84.8,69.52,65.88,79.76V59.27Zm23.65.59c0-5.14-.79-17.63-3.94-20.57S99,45.86,73.37,45.86s-28,.73-31.14,3.68S38.29,65,38.29,70.11s.79,17.63,3.94,20.57,5.52,3.68,31.14,3.68,28-.74,31.14-3.68,3.94-15.42,3.94-20.57"/>
- </g>
- </svg>
- </a>
My skin is shirtless!!!
Don't panic! Under app/assets/js/scripts/landing.js, make the following change (should be included as standard on the latest versions):
// Bind selected account
function updateSelectedAccount(authUser){
let username = 'No Account Selected'
if(authUser != null){
if(authUser.displayName != null){
username = authUser.displayName
if(authUser.uuid != null){
- document.getElementById('avatarContainer').style.backgroundImage = `url('${authUser.uuid}')`
+ document.getElementById('avatarContainer').style.backgroundImage = `url('${authUser.uuid}/right')`
user_text.innerHTML = username
Mojang status (experienced developers)
You will need to create a function based on these lines, which translates the name
Change server status
Still in app/assets/js/scripts/landing.js
, this time modify the following lines as needed:
const refreshServerStatus = async function(fade = false){'Refreshing Server Status')
const serv = DistroManager.getDistribution().getServer(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer())
- let pLabel = 'SERVER'
+ let pLabel = 'SERVEUR'
- let pVal = 'OFFLINE'
+ let pVal = 'HORS-LIGNE'
try {
const serverURL = new URL('my://' + serv.getAddress())
const servStat = await getServerStatus(47, serverURL.hostname, Number(serverURL.port))
- pLabel = 'PLAYERS'
+ pLabel = 'JOUEURS'
pVal = + '/' + servStat.players.max
} catch (err) {
loggerLanding.warn('Unable to refresh server status, assuming offline.')
$('#server_status_wrapper').fadeOut(250, () => {
document.getElementById('landingPlayerLabel').innerHTML = pLabel
document.getElementById('player_count').innerHTML = pVal
} else {
document.getElementById('landingPlayerLabel').innerHTML = pLabel
document.getElementById('player_count').innerHTML = pVal
Test the changes
npm start
If the homepage is translated, it's perfect!
Send changes on GitHub
Go back to GitHub Desktop, and fill in the form at the bottom left, indicating what changes you've made (or not, but that's basically what these fields are for), then press Commit to master
. Then press Push origin
at the top.